→ Staketet

Bo2030 Competition 2016
With Emil Kedbrant and Felicia Liang

Staketet is a densification strategy for single-family residential areas in Sweden, based on the contemporary building permit legislation. Today, landowners may erect a detached building in the vicinity of the main  building without building permission. The addition may reach a maximum of 25 square meters and 4 meters of height. The distance to the neighboring plot must be at least 4.5 meters unless the affected owners allow a shorter distance. A proposed update of this legislation could result in permanent housing materializing the “untouchable” area surrounding each boundary, 4.5 meters in depth per plot. With this logic, strips of 9 meters can be built between the houses. This opens up for the reproduction of the “innocent” archetype of the fence as a method of creating subtlety towards adjacent homes.